Water Safety Information for Pool Homes
Since you are considering purchasing a home that has a swimming pool, spa or on a body of water such as a lake, pond, creek or river and we think that there is vital information that you need to be aware of.
Florida leads the nation in accidental drowning and near-drowning of children under four.
Most municipalities in Florida require one form of child (and elderly) protective device to help prevent accidental drownings. At F ABI, we don’t feel that only one protective measure is enough. The following is an outline of safety improvements and educational steps that YOU can take to help avoid a tragedy!
POOL BARRIERS: The most effective way to prevent accidental drownings is a 48″ high pool barrier, more commonly known as a child safety fence. Barriers include removable child fences and rigid fences, both types have self-closing/self-latching gates with latches at least 54″ high. POOL
ACCESS DOOR/WINDOW ALARMS: Door and window alarms are the least expensive addon safety feature you can utilize. By installing inexpensive door/window alarms on all openings to the pool areas from the house will create a “force field” of protection! The alarms will sound letting you know that a window or door that opens to the pool has been breached. This could stop an accident before it happens if a child or disoriented elderly person were to go outside. Invest in door alarms, they are less than $10 each, they could save the life of someone you love!
SPLASH SENSOR ALARMS: A splash sensor alarm monitors the stillness of a pool that is NOT in use. If someone were to fall into a pool the ripples would activate the alarm which would help to make you aware that someone has fallen in. While very effective, these alarms only work AFTER a potential victim has fallen into the water, so your reaction time must be very quick. These alarms are a good second option in addition to a barrier.
SELF-CLOSING/SELF-LATCHING SCREEN DOORS: If your pool is enclosed within a full screen enclosure, it is very important that the screened doors open OUT, and that the doors self-close and selflatch to help keep little ones from getting into the pool area from outside the enclosure. Even if you don’t have children this is important. This will help to keep unsupervised neighborhood children from getting to your pool and possibly drowning. Not only will you possibly save a life, you will dramatically reduce your personal risk! Remember, if a neighborhood child drowns in YOUR pool, YOU are responsible!
TEACH YOUR CHILDREN TO SWIM: The most effective way to help prevent a child from drowning is to make sure that they know how to swim. There are classes available for infants and toddlers alike. Get your kids into swim lessons ASAP! However, even after they have learned to swim it does not mean that they don’t need to be supervised! It’s YOUR job to make sure that everyone in your pool is safe. Designate someone as a WATER WATCHER and that way everyone will have a fun and safe day!
Your FABI home inspector is sharing this information because they truly care about your family’s (and friends’) safety and well-being. If you have any questions or need additional guidance on how to make your pool safer, don’t hesitate to reach out-they’re here to help!
If you would like more information or have questions about what you can do to make your pool safer, please go to https://www.watersmartfl.com/resources.html for more information.
Thank you!
Florida Association of Building Inspectors. (FABI) #FABICARES